“To fulfill his father’s wishes, Shin Joo-kyung has lived his entire life. Despite ultimately reaching the pinnacle of the Hunter world, he meets his end at the hands of his indifferent siblings, who abandon him as if he were nothing. When he opens his eyes again, he finds himself back eleven years in the past. With a sense of disillusionment towards life, he reflects on his own indifference and chooses to live as a brother to his younger siblings, rather than the son his father hoped he would become. However, as he tries to be a good brother and approaches his siblings, things begin to take a strange turn. ‘Shin Joo-kyung. Let’s be clear about one thing. When you say ‘good,’ do you mean love?’ ‘Yes. I mean love.’ Joo-kyung’s siblings are bewildered by his question and shocked by his answer. Isn’t it natural to love your siblings? As misunderstandings pile up, can Shin Joo-kyung change his dreadful future and find a happy ending?”
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